We keep you up to date and regularly report about our latest projects and innovations in which we have been significantly involved. Get to know us and our cooperation more closely. Join us in looking forward to outstanding events and unique stories from ALLGEIER ENGINEERING.

Allgeier Engineering is one of the “Top Recruiters 2025” in Germany
“Where applying is fair” – According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, issue 17/2025, Allgeier Engineering is also one of the top 750 employers in the SZ Institute ranking ‘Top Recruiting 2025’ …
MORE ON THISNew offices in Berlin
Relocation in Berlin: We are saying goodbye to our previous location in the “Adlershof Technology Park” and are expanding our office space in the “Europa-Center” …
MORE ON THISAllgeier Engineering in the ASQF Committee
We have been an active member of ASQF e.V. – the working group for software quality and training – for many years. This year’s Quality Day, which will take place on 26.11.2024 in Berlin, is all about artificial intelligence (AI) and its application in software testing…
MORE ON THISAE goes InnoTrans
In Berlin, the InnoTrans was the focus of our rail experts from Buckow and Berlin this week. InnoTrans is the leading international trade fair for transport technology …
MORE ON THISExpert visits: ALL ABOUT AUTOMATION in Zurich, Chemnitz and Düsseldorf
This year, we will once again be represented at various “All About Automation” trade fairs. The “AAA Zurich”, where our colleagues are currently located, is the leading local trade fair for …
MORE ON THISNew cooperation with the automation expert URT Utz Ratio Technik GmbH
AUTOMATIZING THE FUTURE: New cooperation with the automation specialist URT Utz Ratio Technik GmbH. We are looking forward to a new challenge in the field of “Industry 4.0 & Plant Engineering”. Since April 2024…